HOW TO: Make a single Valentine's rose... With a pair of socks!

Posted by Danielle

As Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we thought we would get a bit creative and take a look at some quirky alternative gift ideas. So we've been channelling our inner Neil Buchanan (you know, that bloke off of Art Attack from the 90s). Take a look at how you can create a single Valentine's rose out of a pair of socks!
Have a watch of our How To video and/or follow our simple step by step guide to make your own sock rose. First of all, take a quick look below to see what you'll need.

You'll need...
  • 1 pair of clean/new socks in your choice of colour (tip: reds and pinks give a more realistic look)
  • 1 elastic band
  • 1 wooden kebab stick
  • A length of wire
  • Leaves (real or fake but preferably with a bit of a stem)
  • A roll of green florist's tape
  • 1 sheet of A4 paper (your choice of colour) for wrapping (optional)
  • Decorative ribbon for wrapping (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Double sided tape

Take your pair of socks making sure the socks are together with the heels and toes of each sock are alligned. Starting at the ankle, tightly roll the socks toward the toe section.
Step 1 - Roll socks
With the heel of the socks facing upwards, secure the rolled up socks at the bottom with an elastic band.
Step 2 - Secure with an elastic band
Fold  down sections of the sock to make them look like the petals of a rose.
STEP 3 - Adjust petals
Taking care with the pointy end, feed the kebab stick through the centre of the rolled up socks from the bottom, taking care not to pluck the socks as you do.
Step 4 - Insert kebab stick
Take your length of wire and wrap around the kebab stick - at the end closest to the socks - 3 or 4 times, making sure you have roughly an even length on each side.
Step 5 - Wrap wire
Place your leaves at the base of the sock either side. While holding the leaves in place, wrap the wire around the stems of the leaves to secure in place. Wrap any remaining wire down the stick.
Step 6 - Secure leaves
Step 6 - Remaining wire
Starting at the base of the socks and trying to cover any visible wire or leaf stems, wrap your green florist's tape down the stick. Cut/snap the end of your tape off the roll and secure around the end of the stick.
Step 7 - Wrap florist's tape round stem
There you have it, a single sock rose!
Finished Rose
WRAPPING (Optional)
If you wish to wrap your rose, take your sheet of A4 paper. Placing your rose on top, roll the paper into a cone shape around the rose and secure with double sided tape. Fold back the outer end of the paper, making sure the rose and leaves can be seen in the opening. Secure the fold with double sided tape as needed.
Wrapping - Paper
Take your decorative ribbon, wrap it around the paper about half way down the cone and secure with a bow.
Wrapping - Ribbon
Your rose is now wrapped and ready to be given as a gift. Happy Valentine's Day!
Complete rose
Our rose was made using 1 pair of our SOCKSHOP Lazy Panda Bamboo Socks in Red.
CAUTION: If you are making the sock rose with children, be sure to supervise them at all times.


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