Creative ways to organise your wardrobes and drawers

Posted by SOCKSHOP

If your wardrobes have turned wayward try our top tips to restore some order…

Organise wardrobes and drawers
Raise the bar
The simplest ideas are the most effective when organising your wardrobes – so raising your rail to fit a second row of clothes is the perfect way to maximise your space. If you’re worried about reaching items, pull-down rails are a great solution. You could even organise your rails according to the seasons; lighter pieces within easy reach during summer months, with coats and heavier jumpers further away at the top.

Create a jewellery wall
The inside of wardrobe doors are a storage solution waiting to happen and jewellery items are the perfect fit. Your necklaces, bracelets and earrings shouldn’t sit stuffed in a drawer, but hang proudly from hooks or purpose-built organisers. You’ll need to get the tools out to create your accessory wall but the effort will be worth it when you’ve saved the space, and your favourite items are displayed in all their glory.

Frame your frames
Sunglasses are tricky to store away but keeping them out of sight can be part of the problem. Try turning the accessories into a feature instead. Find a frame that matches your bedroom décor and a surface to attach your shades to. Fix small nails an even distance apart to rest your glasses on, and voila! Your part-art, part-storage solution can be hung on an empty wall of your choice.

Give scarves and shawls the shower treatment
Scarves and shawls don’t sit particularly well on hangers and folding them can mean using vital space, better suited for other wardrobe staples. Shower curtain rings are an effective way of separating your items without coughing up on a custom-made solution. Individually tie your silk and wool accessories to rings attached to the lower bar of a hanger to make the most of your space – it makes finding your favourite pieces a breeze. 

Develop a system
Many of us hold onto clothes that we barely wear, and removing these items should be the first step we take when freeing up wardrobe space. If you’re having trouble deciding what to donate to charity, sell on eBay or send to storage, why not create a system to see when you last wore an item? Face all your hangers in the same direction and turn them around when you next remove them from the rail. The unturned hangers will let you know what you’ve been wearing further down the line.


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