How to Celebrate World Mental Health Day 2021

Posted by SOCKSHOP

On the 10th of October, the world will be celebrating world mental health day. After living through a pandemic for more than 18 months it’s important that we all take some time to look after our mental health. This blog explores what world mental health day is and provides steps you can take to improve your own mental health – from speaking to a friend to working out and even wearing novelty socks.
World Mental Health Day 2021

What is World Mental Health Day?

First celebrated on 10th October 1992 at the World Federation for Mental Health, World Mental Health Day has become an annual event. Each year the event spreads awareness of mental health issues around the world to improve the support available. The day also encourages organisations to share their stories about the actions they’ve taken to help mental health issues in the workplace. 

Since 1994, the event has focussed on a theme each year with the first theme being 'improving the quality of Mental Health Services Throughout the World’. Over the years, themes for World Mental Health Day have addressed a variety of topics associated with mental health including suicide, young people and the changing world, the workplace and dignity in mental health.

The theme for this year is ‘Mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality’. As a result of World Mental Health Day, there have been many breakthroughs in society. For example, in 2018 Theresa May appointed a suicide prevention minister and the UK government hosted the first-ever global mental health summit.

What you can do to celebrate World Mental Health day

It’s recommended that everyone takes some time out of their day to look after their mental health. You can improve yours by making time for self-care activities that make you happy, from wearing chunky and warm socks to baking your favourite treats. Here are some self-care ideas that you can try, although some of them might sound a little bit random like wearing novelty socks, the little things in life can make you happy. Share ideas with your friends and family to help them improve their mental health too.

  • Speak to a friend or family member - a problem shared is a problem halved, speak up and tell those around you how you’re feeling or have a chat to take your mind off things.

  • Bake your favourite treats - baking can be a real stress reliever, so plan something yummy to bake during your free time and have fun decorating and eating it.

  • Do some exercise - Workout to help improve your physical and mental health.

  • Treat yourself to some new clothes - How about some novelty socks that’ll raise a smile and look great with your new outfits?

  • Have a pamper day - treat yourself to a nice relaxing candlelight bubble bath and face mask evening to unwind after a long day.

  • Listen to your favourite music - Unwind to your favourite tunes when working and carrying out household chores to help the day pass by.

  • Watch your favourite TV shows and films - Who doesn’t love a bit of escapism after all?

  • Cook your favourite meal - Cooking can be enjoyable, especially when you’ve put the time and effort into making one of your favourite meals.

  • Have a hot chocolate - Treat yourself to a nice, steaming mug of hot chocolate before bed to relax and help you sleep.

Mental Health Matters

Although there is a day dedicated to mental health it’s important to remember that your mental health matters every day and it's important to make time for yourself. Remember it’s okay to take time out every once in a while if you’re struggling. Don’t forget that people are there to support you too. Give our mental health tips a try to help manage your mental health, whether it’s spending time with friends or putting your feet up in a pair of chunky and warm socks.


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